by Allegra Via and Stefano Cozzini

Learning Objectives

  • Learners can tell what the shell is
  • Learners can start a Linux terminal
  • Learners can open a text file with a text editor, write to it and save it.
  • Learners can describe the structure of the filesystem tree
  • Learners can navigate the filesystem
  • Learners can manage files and directories
  • Learners can tell the difference between command’s options and arguments
  • Learners can write and run programs on Linux
  • Learners can change file permissions
  • Learners can connect to a remote computer and transfer files from/to it

The Unix Shell:

Additional materials

  • Linux commands (PDF)
    This is a Linux Cheat Sheet listing the most used bash commands.

  • Linux Tutorial (PDF)
    This is a tutorial to practice Linux commands. It consists in a treasure hunt game in which participants have to use Linux commands to navigate the filesystem in order to find out the characters composing two words. The game is described more in detail in the second page of the tutorial.

  • Tutorial folder (
    In order to carry out the Linux tutorial, you have to download and uncompress Once you have downloaded and unzipped, use the cd Linux command to go to the unix_tutorial directory and start the treasure hunt. Good luck!